Schaeffer's 131 Neutra™ Fuel Stabilizer
Schaeffer's 131 Neutra™ Fuel Stabilizer
Neutra™ Fuel Stabilizer is a highly concentrated, multi-functional, ashless fuel stabilizer formulated for use in all grades of gasoline including ethanol-blended gasoline, all types of diesel fuel and biodiesel blends.
Blended with an enhanced detergency package, Neutra™ provides impressive cleanliness to fuel lines, tanks, pumps, injectors and carburetors. Neutra™ disperses existing deposits throughout the fuel system, safely removing them to the combustion chamber where they can be burned cleanly and completely. Additionally, Neutra™ can be used as a flushing fluid to purge and remove varnish and carbon deposits present in equipment.
Performance Benefits
- Optimizes performance and fuel economy up to 5%.
- Lowers the freeze point of any water that may be present in the fuel.
- Increases lubricity.
- Reduces emissions, exhaust smoke and particulates.
- Keeps injectors free from varnish, deposits and gum that cause inefficient operation.
- Protects against rust and corrosion.
- Stabilizes fuel during storage.
- Strong wear protection for injectors, fuel pumps, compressor ring, upper cylinder, valve seats and guides.